Welcome to my successful day 3 on the Team Fitness Challenge. I am excited to report that I have been able to stick to this meal plan. Funny though today was my high day, meaning more food than the low and none days on the diet, yet it was my most challenging. I found myself clock watching and waiting until my snack time, then lunch and so on. But the good news is after an afternoon walk with my girlfriend its almost bedtime and I am on track. Woot!
One interesting fact, after going through the none, low and high days I re-read the material explaining the nutrition plan and picked up a few tips I didn't catch the first time. I went out to buy some more leafy green stuff and avocados. I am exploring all the different flavors of tea available too. I can drink tea black but coffee just needs cream and sugar so that is out for now. Looking forward to my workout tomorrow at Team Fitness with my new weight loss team. So much fun to have a group to meet up with who all have a common goal. Excited to see what the little metal box has to share on Monday night too :-)