Today was an interesting day on my fitness challenge. It was a "Low" day on the food plan which I now find to be more than enough food. Started with my green smoothie. I like to put the protein powder in it. It seems to taste better and keeps me satisfied a little longer. After a longer morning meeting with my boss it was snack time. He is trying to get in shape too but forgot his food at home today. He was on a hunt for a snack so I pulled out an apple and some almonds for him. I am now in the habit of carrying extra. He was thrilled and it felt good to be able to do that. When I got home for lunch there was still lots of my Dad's delicious home made bread around.
Funny how I am not even tempted, even I find that surprising. As I prepared my lunch (Turkey Chili) and salad I got to thinking. I have never been a smoker, mostly because I know how absolutely terrible it is for your health. I can picture the damage occurring in the body as the smoke laced with nicotine makes its way through your system. You couldn't pay me to smoke a cigarette, its just not worth it. I was looking at that little mini loaf of home made white bread that I just love to eat hot smeared with butter. Mmmmmm home made white bread toast with butter.
But I looked at it today like it was that cigarette. Sure I could eat it, I'm a big girl. I could make that decision. But would it be worth it? Imagine the havoc it would cause to my system. I am 16 days into a cleanse and my system has been flushing out all kinds of stuff, getting used to this no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no red meat, no red wine diet Sure it would taste good while I was chewing but when I was done I would feel awful. I would feel like I failed, I would feel like I let myself down, I might actually feel sick. I would definitely put my weight loss goal behind. Nope, not worth it. The turkey chili was fabulous. Funny how much you can think in the 3 minutes it takes for the microwave to heat your lunch.
The scale was nice to me today (sorry Leanne, I had to look :-) I went to the gym right after work. I am hoping the scale decides to be nice to me again tomorrow. I deserve it!