Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 56
Woke up early this morning to get my younger son, hubby and Dad off to the ferry for a morning hockey game in Gibsons. I stayed home so I could attend Sarah's Sunday morning boot camp. With muscles still sore from the Empire State Building challenge the day before I arrived at Team Fitness ready to go. It was a different feeling than normal. I did not know or recognize any of these boot camp attendees and I was the only person who was overweight. It didn't feel as warm and fuzzy as working out with the TF+ team but they were all friendly and I can see me fitting in the group after a few more sessions with them.
Good thing there are lighter options on some of the stations. I could not do the hard version on 2 of them and some of the other stations really worked my already sore muscles. I felt like I fit in though. Thanks to Sarah for inviting me to attend! I can't come on Monday, the time just does not work. This way I still get the workout in. I have Zumba on Tuesday with Glenda, looking forward to that and Yoga on Wednesday at lunch, back to TF on Thursday. Should have a good with this week! Funny thing how my brain is changing under the influence of good eating and regular exercise. I used to dread moving my body, walking biking or whatever the activity was. Now I can't wait to push myself, to feel the burn and to enjoy the feeling of recovery in my muscles. I got kind of excited thinking about riding my mountain bike again. I really enjoy it but I stopped because it wasn't fun and it got to hard. Now I think I could rock it again!!
Bought the stuff for homemade flax seed crackers, looking into homemade hummus. (What is the story with Tahini, some like it some don't? ) I finally got around to making my Sweet Potato and Zucchini chips and they are fantastic! Love my mandoline slicer, now I am looking for other things to slice up and dehydrate.
Looking forward to dinner with thin In-Laws tomorrow night. I'm interested to see how it will fit into my plan. I 'll keep you posted.