Tracy's Progress

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 53

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 53
Well we had an interesting workout tonight at TF+ with Sarah.  Most of it was great, some of the stations were not a fit for me.  Maybe when I get stronger and lighter but not now.  The sit up stand up from the bosu ball was interesting.  Once my feet came of the ground and I almost toppled onto my head and another time when I sat up I got so dizzy.  I wasn't doing it right.  On the second round it was much better.
I also attempted the stair climbing challenge.  I really gave it and did 4.5 flights in 1.29 minutes.  At the top I think I almost passed out.  Who knew I could push myself that hard.  Now I have a point at which I know I can do better.  Faster than 1.29 minutes next week?
I can feel my muscles talking to me now so I should be pretty stiff tomorrow.  That is ok, it my addiction now to feel that way.  It looks like I might have an exercise date every day of the week except Friday.  Oh well even God needed a day to rest,  lol.
People keep asking me how I can be so discipline.  I just say I want this and because I want this so bad I got it, I am going to do it.
Thank you Team Fitness and thank you to the other TF+ teammates.  I think you all play an important role in my success!  Looking forward to Saturday.