Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 45
Wow, every time I add up the numbers I can not believe time has flown by so quickly. I am really excited about that because before I know it a year will be up and I will be a new me. I woke up still feeling discomfort in my muscles. I love that feeling.
I did keep a promise to myself today, I made it to the lunch time yoga class. I explored my downward dog, my happy baby, my dolphin plank, my inner warrior. Some poses were tough as it involved stretching my already tight muscles. I think it's an excellent mid week addition to my current workout schedule. Stretching out my tight muscles is a good thing.
However, right now I am now awaiting my hot tub to be hot enough to go into. I don't even care that it is raining. My back is so killing me and I actually did not know I had so many abdomen muscles. They are all individually introducing themselves to me. It's all good though, something new, something to push myself further everyday will lead to the new me.
Now looking forward to my Halloween Team Fitness workout tomorrow night. May my muscles be ready!!