Today was a good day, I got up and weighed myself, as per my daily routine. Everyday since I started the 30 cleanse I have seen a drop in my weight. Greeting the little metal box each morning is something I am now looking forward to instead of dreading. On day six I am now down 7.3 lbs., and 12.5 from my heaviest weight back in June. Yesterday I actually started feeling different, somewhat more healthy. Still overweight but now going in the right direction.
I was not sure a week ago that I could follow a no flour, sugar, red meat, dairy or alcohol diet but now heading to bed at the end of another successful day. I am occasionally tempted but not enough to actually eat it or drink it. I am in a daze of just thinking about the success. I have to say its a lot of pressure knowing on Monday I have to get weighed in and I would be devastated to not lost weight.
Best workout yet at Team Fitness today with Sarah and my new weight loss Besties Katherine and Tristen. I can feel my tired muscles tonight Sarah!! It was actually hard with all the running around I had to do to get all the food eaten. In the past I would just grab something on the go but now if I didn't bring something with me I don't have anything until I get home. Thank God I have apples and almonds hidden in bags and vehicles. Water fills the gap too.
Hubby and I went out and bought a new hot tub cover. Its been out of commission for months but the combination of cooler weather and sore muscles propelled the need for a new cover right to the top of the list. Fingers crossed that hubby gets it all filled and balanced now so we can use it. After today's workout and the promise of it getting tougher I'm pretty sure I am going to need it...