Tracy's Progress

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 74

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 74

Today started much like every other day.  Got up, had my green smoothie and headed to work.  Sat through a 90 minute round table on Bill 14, the anti bullying and harassment bill.  I am normally very interested in this stuff but I could not sit still this morning and I was the one with the heavy eyelids. When I am teaching I hate when people fade like that.  Aren't they interested in what I have to say?  I really was, but I couldn't help it. I blame the fact that the meeting got moved to the Council Chambers where we could not bring our coffee!!

Next meeting with Stefanie from WorkSafe.  Love Stefanie, always a pleasure when we meet to discuss claims.  I had a salad for lunch with leafy greens and veggies.  I skipped the snack as I knew I had a catered dinner meeting this evening.  It really was a good meeting.  We had Gary Anaka and he talked to us about "Your Brain on the Job"  It is so fascinating to hear about all the advances we have had on the brain.

I have been going to these meetings the last Thursday of every month for 14 years.  There is almost always chicken as a choice on the buffet table so I knew I would be able to eat on plan.  Well not tonight there was a huge roast of beef.  I had a choice to make, beef or no beef.  I have not had beef for 75+ days.  I chose to fill my plate with leafy greens and plain steamed veggies.  I was starving so I decided to have a small very thinly sliced portion.  It as so good!  I am hoping it wont effect my weight loss this week.

It has not been a good week on the little metal box.  I am not suppose to weigh myself everyday (sorry Leanne) but I do.  As of this morning I am up compared to Saturday But it is very soon to be that time of the month so I am hoping it is water retention.  I know this week has been so hard with cravings but I have still remained on plan with the exception of a couple extra flax seed crackers that I should not have had.  Nothing I have had should equal a weight gain.  If I had a big fat steak, with baked potato and a few glasses of red wine I would except a gain or stay the same but I haven't.  Tomorrow is another day...  I am going to do this until I reach my goal!!