Welcome to my personal fitness challenge Day 14
Today was a "High" day food wise. I am getting so used to not eating too much that the high days almost seem like too much food. Had my oatmeal with protein powder and blueberries this morning. I love oatmeal normally but I am not loving this particular meal on the plan. I must research alternatives. Went for coffee at Timmies with my family. Sadly I think black coffee still sucks. Not sure if I will ever get used to that. I ate all my food today but I did really start craving bread and cheese and a bunch of things that I have not had now for 2 weeks. I am still fully on the diet, no slip ups! I want thin more than I want cheese.. Its true!
I had every intention of going to the gym today but Kudos to Wesley I had many sore muscles today, really sore. It was a good workout on Saturday! I was trying to think of other forms of exercise but I hate being out in the rain and traditional exercises were not going to happen. Later tonight when I took my son to his hockey game there was a public skate going on and I thought hmmm.. I could have done that! I think I am going to start doing the public skate on the weekends. An hour on ice skates is using different muscles and is a pretty good workout yet its fun!
Tomorrow starts another busy week, and the start of Week 3 on the Team Fitness Challenge. I really have been thinking about how I can step it up to see more results more quickly. I think I am going to journal everything including my water as well as attempt to get all the food in at exactly the right times. Who would have thought I would ever in my life have to worry about eating enough food! LOL The other challenge is getting enough exercise in this very crappy weather! Well it needs to be done!