Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 123
Well I am back!! Got a new laptop finally, went from a PC to a Mac so huge learning curve! Did you miss me?? Haha. I have not been blogging very often but I have been following my food plan and spending much of my free time at Team Fitness. I am now down a total of 42.8 lbs (37.1 since start of TF+ challenge).
I have set myself a goal of getting below 200 lbs by Feb 15th. That means I have to lose 11 lbs in a month. I have been following my meal plan, including now some juicing. Love my juicer, but I must say it is an acquired taste. I have never been a sweets lover, I am much more a savoury person. I do think that this Team Fitness Challenge has changed me in many ways. At the beginning of the food plan you have to give up completely flour, sugar, dairy, red meat and alcohol. It sounds loco when you are used to eating whatever you want. Geeze I had milk, cheese and yogurt almost every single day. I had cream and sugar in my coffee. I thought Leanne was nuts, how was I ever going to follow this food plan, come on lets be realistic. Well... now seventeen weeks later I am allowed to eat bread and yogurt, red meat and red wine and yet I rarely do. I don't need to, I don't really miss it. OK, maybe I miss red wine but 1 glass is never enough so I choose to abstain completely.
Because of my goal of 11 lbs before Feb 15th I have been trying to up my exercise and water intake. Water intake has been a challenge but the exercise has been great. I went to bootcamp on Wednesday with Zarah, there was 11 people and it was still a huge challenge. I loved it. Tonight is was just Lauren and I and Sarah had us going. My muscles were still tired from last night but I pushed through. It is such an amazing feeling when we are done.
On that note I am wondering what is happening to our tight little group. It is not the same without you Katherine, Tristan, Sharon, Robyn, Vickie and Cassandra. Lets get it back together and commit to working out together at least 3x per week!
Lauren and I discussed the Vancouver 1/2 marathon again tonight. I am both excited and nervous about it. I have never run anything in my life and I am starting with 21 km. Am I crazy? Yes, maybe but it is a good incentive to run, run and run.
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