Tracy's Progress

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 30

Welcome to My Personal Fitness Challenge Day 30

Wow, I can not believe it has been 30 days already!  The weight loss has been slower than I had hoped for but when I look back time has flown by and I am down 13.5 lbs. My clothes are starting to be noticeably looser and people are starting to notice.  If I had done nothing I would probably be heavier than when I started so its all good!

I had yogurt for breakfast today.  One cup actually turned out to be quite a bit.  I stirred in the protein powder and then ate if slowly one spoonful at a time.  I put the spoon down in between bites, I really love yogurt, I really missed yogurt and I wanted it to last as long as possible.  It was good.  I actually made it to my snack too.  Back to back meetings help with that.

Funny, I have so many people at work who know the story of my fitness challenge.  I must have been asked a dozen times how I managed to get through Thanksgiving.  I proudly told each one that not only did I make it through turkey dinner I made it through Hubby's birthday at Boston Pizza followed by DQ ice cream cake too.  Most of them confessed they did not do so well.  I'm really enjoying this experience.  I can't wait to see what next week holds!!